Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Intro and Day 1

An acquaintance on Facebook recently sent me an invitation to a sort of "online event". It's called the 30 Day Comic Book Challenge and it's only the second day and I'm hooked.

I thought I'd take this opportunity to make blog posts out of these. So any of you who are already into the medium of comic books, have any interest in it, or care what I have to say about it can tune in here for the next thirty days. Each day gives a comic book related statement and asks the particpant what they associate with it.

Day 1 was: Your first comic book.

I plan on copying and pasting in the future but I can't do that right now.

My association with that statement was, of course, the first comic book I remember buying, which was Uncanny X-Men #261 back in June of 1990.

I also said that I'd had comics before that but they'd become torn to shreds or were Silly Putty fodder. "Look, Mommy! I can stretch Superman's face!"

1 comment:

Dave said...

This made me remember the first title that I subscribed to, which was Daredevil. I discovered X-Men a bit later in childhood, but they've certainly been my long-term love.