Sunday, August 9, 2009

Return of the Son of the Llog

Hey guys!

It's been a while, huh?!

Do I have any readers left? Probably not since it's been almost seven months since I've posted.

Ah, well... Life just gets that way sometimes, I guess...


Here I am. Back on the Llog. I'm gonna post some notes on Twitter and Facebook (my preferred social networking mediums) and try and get some readers here. If you've happened on my blog from there, WELCOME!

As you'll see from my prior posts, I like to blog about music (though none you might have ever heard of), comic books, literature, LOST (sometimes, although it's taxing), and all kinds of other geeky stuff. Really just anything I happen to be into at the moment.

So, to my long-time readers who've hopefully been missing me and to all of you who've come for the first time, again: WELCOME!

Hope you'll enjoy this visit and many happy returns...



ADD said...

Nice to see the Llog back. I'll be reading. Keep it up!

lloydduvalljr said...

Good to hear, bro. Thanks for that. It makes it easier knowing that someone's reading. Talk to ya soon.