Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Even more Lloyd-ism

Hey guys,

I've been playing around online and "social networking" a little bit and I've started using a couple more sites...

I've added Facebook, Goodreads, and Flickr to the links down the right side of the page...

I think we all know what Facebook is. A social networking site in the vein of MySpace, but it's one that I think I like better...

Goodreads is a site where you go and list, review, and discuss the books that you've read or are reading or want to read...

Flickr is a photo sharing site...

Go check 'em out guys, if you're so inclined...

Thanks for browsing the Llog...

And peace...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You aren't the only one that has told me recently about the benefits of Facebook vs. MySpace. I have to say that MySpace has gotten overrun by the kiddies. There's just too much drama associated with it. With all of the situations that are going on in Buckhannon (you know of them all), MySpace perpetuates some of the sixth-grade aspects of them. Derek actually said the other day that "Facebook is supposed to be more for the older crowd". In short, I need to just ditch the MySpace page and do a Facebook one.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the Goodreads site even though I've not been able to do much with it. It's amazing how different our book lists are. Lori has said that she intends to get signed up, so we'll see how that goes. I'm glad Luke got on it as well; hopefully he'll have time to build his list.

Finally, thanks for the thoughtful comment on one of my latest posts. The blogging has become a viable way for us to share ideas now that life has gotten in the way of getting together a lot. Just know that I do enjoy reading yours as well.

Peace out, man...J.