Okay, guys...
One of the big reasons that I wanted to get back to doing The Llog was to spread a little love for one of my favorite things on the planet:
No, really... heh... I love comic books!
Having gotten all caught up on reading single issues, I've decided to make a go at trying to do my "Comic of the Week" feature on a regular basis again.
I know, the date at the top of the page says July 29th and here we are verging on August 10th. Well, you see, I only make it to the comic shop that I frequent twice a month. On each visit, I buy two weeks worth. So while I'm all caught up with what I have here at the house, there are still some issues waiting for me in my hold folder in Morgantown, where I shop for them. So we'll hopefully keep this semi-current.
So, without further ado:
The comics that I read released on the date of July 29th were:
-Justice League of America #35
-The New Avengers #55
-Superman #690
-X-Men Forever #4
Story of the Week
For my first Comic of the Week feature in a long time, I'm gonna have to give Story of the Week to X-Men Forever #4.
First of all, let's get to the premise of this title.
Chris Claremont wrote the first comic book that I ever read when I began seriously collecting back in 1990. (That issue was Uncanny X-Men #261.) He wrote Uncanny for a while after that and then did 3 issues of a comic simply called X-Men (which has since been called New X-Men, X-Men (again), and was most recently changed to the title X-Men Legacy).
Anyway, the title X-Men Forever is Chris Claremont's story starting from where he left off on X-Men all those years ago, as if he'd never left. The premise alone got me stoked enough to add it to my hold list.
In this issue, the team is reeling after an unexplained attack by one of their own: the weather-manipulating Storm. In the midst of an attack by Sabretooth (in prior issues) Storm has already blinded Sabretooth, attacked fellow X-Men, and seemingly killed Woverine. Why?
This issue sees Shadowcat out for blood as she takes the fight to Storm with one of Wolverine's claws which has been mysteriously embedded in her arm after found missing from Wolverine's lightning-scorched skeleton.
After a brief scuffle with Shadowcat, Storm flees. The X-Men give chase in two separate teams. After they nearly catch her, she escapes again, only to be confronted by some riot-geared, police-looking dudes (whose superiors seem to have been keeping an eye on Storm the whole time). She asks if they're there to retrieve her. One says, "Not quite -- We're here to KILL you."
The issue ends with Gambit, Rogue, and Nightcrawler hot on Storm's tail. While Gambit searches on an electrical tower, he hears a voice. He turns to find a child version of Storm (smacking to me of Uncanny #266). He grabs her to comfort her as the last panel gives us a view of the child Storm (presumably the real Storm?) in the arms of Gambit and in the crosshairs of some assassin.
I've gotta say that while some of these issues of X-Men Forever haven't blown me away, it's good to read the X-Men of the early nineties in the style of Chris Claremont again.
If you're interested in checking this title out, it's probably one of the easiest to get into. All you need to do is go buy the X-Men: Mutant Genesis trade paperback and read the first three issues out of that and then go pick up all the issues of X-Men Forever (four, as of this entry).
Go check it out, if you're so inclined.
Cover Art of the Week
Cover art of the week is gonna go to the cover of Superman #690 by Andrew Robinson. Check it out below.

Interior Art of the Week
And interior art of the week goes to that sensational issue of X-Men Forever that I was so long-winded about in Story of the Week. The art is by Tom Grummett, Cory Hamscher, and Wilfredo Quintana (lettering appearing in art by Tom Orzechowski, just like back in the day!) Also, check it out below!

Well, there you have it, guys...
A Comic of the Week feature on The Llog.
Bet you thought you'd never see it again, didn't ya?
Well, never's a long time...
Hope you enjoyed this post whether a fan of comics or not. If you guys have any questions or comments. Please, comment on here, e-mail, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter, anything! I'm always willing to rap about the posts on here, comic books, or monkeys!
Take it easy 'til next time, guys...
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