Monday, August 31, 2009

Comic of the Week - August 19th, 2009


Hey guys,

Was able to make the trek on Sunday to get another two weeks worth of comics, so it's time for another...


The comics I read released on the day of August 19th, 2009 were:

-Amazing Spider-Man #603
-Invincible #65
-Justice League of America #36
-Mighty Avengers #28
-Supergirl #44
-X-Men Legacy #227

Let's get right to my faves, shall we?

Story of the Week

Although the psychotic journals of The Chameleon read like "Silence of the Lambs" in Amazing Spider-Man this week, I had to go with Invincible #65 for Story of the Week.

The whole story of the issue was just more heartfelt, emotional, and compelling. Mark is still very injured after having dealt with the wrath of Conquest over the past couple of issues and still reeling emotionally from having thought Eve was dead.

This issue doesn't stop playing with our emotions at that point, though... We feel sorry for Mark as he lies broken despite having beaten Conquest. We feel sorrow as Robot and Eve speak at Rex Splode's funeral. We long for our youth when Mark and Eve get back to Mark's bedroom. We feel shock when we realize Conquest ISN'T DEAD!!! And more shock when Mark vows to kill his future enemies.

This is a title that has really stayed consistently good. Like writer Robert Kirkman's other well-known series "The Walking Dead" (SOON TO BE A TV SERIES ON AMC! *INSERT SCHOOLGIRL SHRIEK*), the title delivers every issue and makes you want more as soon as you put the issue down. If you'd like to read a hero that has basically a young Spider-Man's mentality with Superman-like powers placed in a little bit more mature of a setting, Invincible is your book. There are several relatively inexpensive trade paperbacks out there for you to go get started. Go check 'em out or drop me line for a little "the story so far" chat. I'll gladly fill ya in and you can go get single issues from there. I can almost guarantee you'll be glad you did...

Cover Art of the Week

Cover Art of the Week has got to go to spooky, dark cover of Justice League of America #36. The cover conveys that we're going to see the Justice League and we're going to see the Royal Flush Gang, but why so dark and BLOODY?! Creepy... Cover is by Fabrizio Fiorentino (DC Comics). See below.

Interior Art of the Week

For this category, much like Story of the Week this week, again my two faves were Amazing Spider-Man and Invincible. This time, though, the web-head crew won out. Here's some art from my pick for the week: Amazing Spider-Man #603. Art is by Robert Atkins, Victor Olazaba, and Jeromy Cox. Letters appearing in shown artwork done by VC's Joe Caramagna (Marvel Comics). See below.

There's another one in the books, guys...

Hit me up on comics or anything, anytime...


Sunday, August 23, 2009

They're some mad, mad, mad, mad men

Hey guys,

I finished the first season of a show that when it was suggested to me, I really didn't think I'd like. Boy, was I wrong...

The show is Mad Men. It's a series mainly about a fictional advertising firm in the 1960's. But it's really so much more.

With a strong cast portraying unforgettable characters, riveting subplots, and smart historical allusions, the world of this series reaches out and envelops the viewer.

No, I didn't think it was going to be my cup of tea at first. I mean, come on, what do I care about ad men in the 1960's? Truth be told, it could be waffle salesmen in the 1890's and with storytelling this deftly executed, I'd be on board...

My entry wouldn't be complete without showing you (as I'm inclined to do) a little something from the show. I've included a trailer of sorts below to help give you a little taste. So, check it out below and then do your best to get your hands on the rest of the series.

I think you'll be glad you did...

Mad Men, an AMC Original Series, airs Sunday nights at 10pm (ET) on (of course) AMC.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Comic of the Week - August 12th, 2009


Hey guys,

After my own little mini mental celebration of my 75th post on The Llog in which I discuss the film "Inglourious Basterds" (see below), I figured I'd better get the Comic of the Week feature that I owe you guys up.

The comics that I read released on the day of August 12th, 2009 were:

-Action Comics #880
-Adventure Comics #1
-Amazing Spider-Man #602
-Blackest Night #2
-Green Lantern Corps #39
-Uncanny X-Men #514
-The Walking Dead #64
-X-Men Forever #5

Story of the Week

This week had a few contenders for Story of the Week. We saw the release of Adventure Comics #1 spotlight the adventures of Superboy and backing that up with a feature of The Legion of Super-Heroes. The Walking Dead stunned, as it always does (Man, I can't wait for the show on AMC). But my favorite story upon first reading all these issues was X-Men Forever #5.

As if a scrap with Sabretooth, Storm killing Wolverine, and a child version of Storm showing up weren't enough in previous issues, this issue has the aftermath of all that plus an interesting new plotline that I just thought was genius.

Professor Xavier imparts that our mutant heroes (and villains, for that matter) aren't the next stage of evolution that they thought they were. They, in fact, may be the opposite. It appears that the more power that our mutants expend, the less that there is to sustain their lives. This is revealed in a discussion by the Beast, the Professor, and the rest of the X-Men in which they speak about how there aren't very many mutants who are over the age of 60. I think it's a great plot point and it'll be interesting to see how it's dealt with in future issues.

As I've said before, the premise of this comic is basically the stories of Chris Claremont had he stayed on the title X-Men in the early nineties. I'm lovin' it so far. See my prior Comic of the Week posts and run out and grab the issues, if you're so inclined.

Cover Art of the Week

Cover Art of the Week has got to go to Blackest Night #2. Check out the amazing piece below by Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert, and Alex Sinclair (DC Comics).

Interior Art of the Week

Again, the art award for interior art has got to go to Blackest Night #2. The art on this issue was just spectacular. Again, it's by Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert (this time with a little help from Julio Ferreira), and Alex Sinclair (DC Comics). (See below)

Well, there's another post and another expression of my opinion for Comic of the Week. Comments? Questions? Discussion? Hit me on here or contact me through any of the social networking sites listed on the right of the page... As always, feel free to hit me up for discussion about anything posted on The Llog.

Take care of each other, guys...


They killed Nazis... YOU BASTERDS!!!

Hey Llog lovers,

Just wanted to say a bit about the film that any of us who are into Quentin Tarantino have been hearing about for quite some time. Last night I went to see "Inglourious Basterds".

Now, if you and I were sitting accross a table from one another right now and I had just said what I typed in the last sentence, you would probably say, "Well, how was it?" And I'd say, "I don't know..."

I know what you're thinking. "Well, then why are you making a point to talk about it?" Right?

While I guess I'm kind of on the fence about the whole film as of right now (though I already want to see it again), there are parts that I can remember being really great and amazingly Tarantino. I can say with certainty that some of the highlights for me were Brad Pitt's and Cristoph Waltz's entire performances in the film. Pitt was as tough a, um, bastard as I've ever seen before and Waltz's performance shone with genius, comedy, and elegance as he portrayed Nazi Hans Landa.

Final verdict (for right now) I guess is that while there were parts where I found myself bored in "Inglourious Basterds", I can really remember a lot of great parts, too...

Want some video clips about the film?

Well, that's good... 'Cuz here they are!!!

I found this video with some clips and informative interviews...

And more clips, interviews and info...

And this one below you've gotta watch whether you're interested in the film, have seen, or have no intention of seeing the film...

And with that... Don't think there's anything left to say right now...


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Comic of the Week - August 5th, 2009


Hey guys,

Time for Comic of the Week again. Yeah, I know the date at the top of the page is somewhat behind the times, but I've explained that in the last Comic of the Week feature. If you're curious why, check that one out.

Without further ado,

The comics that I read released on the day of August 5th, 2009 were:

-Amazing Spider-Man #601
-Hulk #13

Yeah, that's right. Just two titles this week. Keep in mind that I only review the ones that are on my hold list, which I've pared down to my favorites... Here goes...

Story of the Week

Believe it or not, this is actually harder to do with only two books to choose from. Both titles had a good, solid story (and beautiful art, which we'll get to below) but there can be only one (much like The Highlander).

Amazing Spider-Man #601 eked out the win for Story of the Week this time out. The main feature in the book spotlighted the aftermath of the wedding of Aunt May to J. Jonah Jameson, Sr. Peter Parker (our beloved wall-crawler's alter-ego) gets really tipsy at the reception after the wedding. What a great time to run into a newly returned Mary Jane Watson, huh? That's right. The woman that Pete was supposed to marry is back! She actually caught the bouquet at the end of last issue! Hmmm...

Pete actually gets drunk to the point of losing memory and goes home with his roommate Michelle. She's actually the sister of his old roommate Vin, who's serving some time in prison now due to his involvement in the "Spider-Tracer Murders". (See previous issues for details.)

Pete gets, um, friendlier with Michelle than he has in the past. When he wakes up next to her, still a bit out of sorts and looking for MJ on the other side of the bed, Michelle becomes enraged and kicks him out of the apartment.

Pete spends the rest of the ish trying to figure out when and where that he's supposed to meet MJ for a date that night. They had planned it at the reception, but he was too drunk the remember the specifics.

The main feature of the issue ends with Peter remembering the where and when of the date and showing up to find Mary Jane nowhere to be found. It then flashes to her. She's slept in and missed out on meeting Peter. BUT... when seeing a feature on the news about Spider-Man she knows that Spider-Man is Peter Parker.

Oh, and of course at the very end of the main feature we've got Michelle's cookies and milk caper pulled on Pete. (See ish for details, or don't... It's not that major.)

The back up feature of the issue features a story by Brian Michael Bendis (can't go wrong there, huh?) showing Pete talking to Jessica Jones-Cage (wife of Luke Cage). Jessica talks about gaining her powers and how Pete (as Spider-Man) inspired her in her initial runnings as a super-heroine. Pete shares his "With great power there must also come great responsibility" mantra with Jessica among other inspiring words. With just six pages, Bendis has our hearts in his hands...

Both of these features give us a good look at where Spider-Man/Peter Parker's headspace and heartspace are these days. This title is really starting to be great for the first time since the "One More Day" story arc. If you haven't picked up Spider-Man for a while, now may be the time...

Cover Art of the Week

Cover art of the week has got to go to Hulk #13. There is no other word for this amazing piece but INTENSE! (Check it out below, by Ed McGuinness, Tom Palmer and Dan Brown.) (And, no, not THAT Dan Brown.)

Interior Art of the Week

The coveted Interior Art of the Week prize goes to Amazing Spider-Man #601. First we've got the art from the main feature of the book by Mario Alberti and Andres Mossa. See the below 2 pieces for a taste...

AND we've also got the art from the back up feature of the book by Joe Quesada and Morry Hollowell. Check out how the pair even give Spidey's mask facial expressions in the third panel! (Below)

I've gotta add that while the artists (Alberti and Quesada) shined, the additions that the colorists(Mossa and Hollowell) laid down in both features were BREATHTAKING! Great art all around in this ish!!!

Well, there it is, guys... Another Comic of the Week feature down the tubes and straight to you loyal Llog readers. We'll see you guys next time... And...


Monday, August 10, 2009

Dredgin' Up Some Tunes

Hey guys,

You folks who are privy to my Facebook page or my Tweets have seen me talk about the band Dredg and their album "The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion" today.

Well, as I type this, I'm still spinning it.

This is just quick post to give you guys a taste. I'm gonna post the three singles from the album with TITLES ABOVE, as usual...

Here goes:




There you go, guys...

Now ya know what I'm talkin' about...

That's it for now. Just a quick one.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Comic of the Week - July 29th, 2009


Okay, guys...

One of the big reasons that I wanted to get back to doing The Llog was to spread a little love for one of my favorite things on the planet:


No, really... heh... I love comic books!

Having gotten all caught up on reading single issues, I've decided to make a go at trying to do my "Comic of the Week" feature on a regular basis again.

I know, the date at the top of the page says July 29th and here we are verging on August 10th. Well, you see, I only make it to the comic shop that I frequent twice a month. On each visit, I buy two weeks worth. So while I'm all caught up with what I have here at the house, there are still some issues waiting for me in my hold folder in Morgantown, where I shop for them. So we'll hopefully keep this semi-current.

So, without further ado:

The comics that I read released on the date of July 29th were:

-Justice League of America #35
-The New Avengers #55
-Superman #690
-X-Men Forever #4

Story of the Week

For my first Comic of the Week feature in a long time, I'm gonna have to give Story of the Week to X-Men Forever #4.

First of all, let's get to the premise of this title.

Chris Claremont wrote the first comic book that I ever read when I began seriously collecting back in 1990. (That issue was Uncanny X-Men #261.) He wrote Uncanny for a while after that and then did 3 issues of a comic simply called X-Men (which has since been called New X-Men, X-Men (again), and was most recently changed to the title X-Men Legacy).

Anyway, the title X-Men Forever is Chris Claremont's story starting from where he left off on X-Men all those years ago, as if he'd never left. The premise alone got me stoked enough to add it to my hold list.

In this issue, the team is reeling after an unexplained attack by one of their own: the weather-manipulating Storm. In the midst of an attack by Sabretooth (in prior issues) Storm has already blinded Sabretooth, attacked fellow X-Men, and seemingly killed Woverine. Why?

This issue sees Shadowcat out for blood as she takes the fight to Storm with one of Wolverine's claws which has been mysteriously embedded in her arm after found missing from Wolverine's lightning-scorched skeleton.

After a brief scuffle with Shadowcat, Storm flees. The X-Men give chase in two separate teams. After they nearly catch her, she escapes again, only to be confronted by some riot-geared, police-looking dudes (whose superiors seem to have been keeping an eye on Storm the whole time). She asks if they're there to retrieve her. One says, "Not quite -- We're here to KILL you."

The issue ends with Gambit, Rogue, and Nightcrawler hot on Storm's tail. While Gambit searches on an electrical tower, he hears a voice. He turns to find a child version of Storm (smacking to me of Uncanny #266). He grabs her to comfort her as the last panel gives us a view of the child Storm (presumably the real Storm?) in the arms of Gambit and in the crosshairs of some assassin.

I've gotta say that while some of these issues of X-Men Forever haven't blown me away, it's good to read the X-Men of the early nineties in the style of Chris Claremont again.

If you're interested in checking this title out, it's probably one of the easiest to get into. All you need to do is go buy the X-Men: Mutant Genesis trade paperback and read the first three issues out of that and then go pick up all the issues of X-Men Forever (four, as of this entry).

Go check it out, if you're so inclined.

Cover Art of the Week

Cover art of the week is gonna go to the cover of Superman #690 by Andrew Robinson. Check it out below.

Interior Art of the Week

And interior art of the week goes to that sensational issue of X-Men Forever that I was so long-winded about in Story of the Week. The art is by Tom Grummett, Cory Hamscher, and Wilfredo Quintana (lettering appearing in art by Tom Orzechowski, just like back in the day!) Also, check it out below!

Well, there you have it, guys...

A Comic of the Week feature on The Llog.

Bet you thought you'd never see it again, didn't ya?

Well, never's a long time...

Hope you enjoyed this post whether a fan of comics or not. If you guys have any questions or comments. Please, comment on here, e-mail, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter, anything! I'm always willing to rap about the posts on here, comic books, or monkeys!

Take it easy 'til next time, guys...


Return of the Son of the Llog

Hey guys!

It's been a while, huh?!

Do I have any readers left? Probably not since it's been almost seven months since I've posted.

Ah, well... Life just gets that way sometimes, I guess...


Here I am. Back on the Llog. I'm gonna post some notes on Twitter and Facebook (my preferred social networking mediums) and try and get some readers here. If you've happened on my blog from there, WELCOME!

As you'll see from my prior posts, I like to blog about music (though none you might have ever heard of), comic books, literature, LOST (sometimes, although it's taxing), and all kinds of other geeky stuff. Really just anything I happen to be into at the moment.

So, to my long-time readers who've hopefully been missing me and to all of you who've come for the first time, again: WELCOME!

Hope you'll enjoy this visit and many happy returns...
