Sunday, June 29, 2008

Comic of the (two) week(s)

Hey guys,
I'm back to do a thing that will comprise a lot of this blog, as it comprises a lot of my time...
I've come to do a "Comic of the Week" post...
This one's going to be comprised of two weeks worth of books and those are the ones that I read relaeased on the dates of June 4th and June 11th, 2008... (Still a little behind, I know...)
Those books were:
-Action Comics #866
-Amazing Spider-Man #561
-Amazing Spider-Man #562
-The Amory Wars (Vol. 2) #1
-The Boys #19
-Green Lantern Corps #25
-Invincible #50
-Titans #3

Story of the Week

My favorite story of these two weeks worth of books (and the best all-around book, for that matter) goes to Action Comics #866. The story focused on the staff of the Daily Planet getting their bearings and more on Brainiac. It shows how Brainiac destroyed the Kryptonian city of Kandor 35 years ago and how he's coming to Earth to get something from our beloved Superman.
Art from the amazing Gary Frank helped to roll the story along at a fever pitch and writer Geoff Johns churns out an amazing first chapter to "Brainiac", the arc that will be filling the pages of a great Superman book for the coming months...
Check it out...

Cover Art of the Week

My favorite cover of those weeks was Invincible #50 by Ryan Ottley and Val Staples. Check it out below...

Interior Art of the Week
As mentioned above, Gary Frank (along with Jon Sibal and Brad Anderson) had amazing artwork in the pages of Action Comics #866. Look at the first page I have posted: I love how Gary Frank's Superman seems to pay homage to the late Christopher Reeve, who played Superman in the classic films. I've posted another page below that one...

Well, that's closer to what I want "Comic of the Week" to be like... I'd still like to go a little more in depth with the books that I didn't pick as comics of the week and I'll do that at a later date...
If anyone wants to rap about these (or any other) comics or if anyone has suggestions for this or any other feature of the blog, hit me up with a comment or something and let me know...
Oh, and let's all take a moment right now and remember Michael Turner. He was an amazing artist who passed away last Friday at the age of only 37... His talents will be greatly missed and remembered as some of the greatest to ever grace the page...

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