Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Sip of Water(shed)

Hey guys,

Now that I've had my first listen of the ninth and latest (until September, when "Heritage" comes out) Opeth album entitled "Watershed", I thought I'd come back like I promised and post the music videos that came from the record.

Here they are (in the order the singles were released):

Porcelain Heart


*-Note: Sorry, guys. None of the versions of the official video for "Burden" could be embedded. If you wanna see it, hit that link above and it'll take you to YouTube for the official vid.

Also, these songs are both pared down a good bit from the album versions, but I enjoyed both of the videos.

Anyway, just a taste for now of "Watershed". Any of these Opeth albums I've commented on are, of course, out now. You can get them all on iTunes or wherever you get your music.

Again, guys, hope all's well with all of you.


Spectral Daydreams

Hey guys,

While I've fallen irrevokably behind in the 30 Day Comic Book Challenge and don't think I'm going to continue with that, one thing I haven't been able to stop doing is listening to Opeth.

A few weeks back, I posted the music video ("The Grand Conjuration") that the album "Ghost Reveries" spawned and since I've decided to make today my last day (for now) for listening to that album, I thought I'd come back and do my little mini-review of the record and share some of my thoughts about it and post videos for some of my favorite tunes.

I guess the most notable thing about this one that I've read is that there's actually debate as to whether or not it's a concept album. The popular answer that I've come across to answer that question is that the first seven tracks ARE, in fact, a loose concept piece and that the eighth track ("Isolation Years") is not part of the concept, but was added because vocalist/guitarist/mastermind Mikael Akerfeldt liked the song and wanted it on the record.

The supposed concept of the first seven tunes is that a man has brutally murdered his mother and now lives in guilt, paranoia, and insanity because of that act.

This album sees the return of the death metal growls, absent on the last album "Damnation", but also, like most Opeth efforts, switches around from brutality to beauty and back again.

Let's take a look... or, um... listen to some of my favorite tracks from the album, shall we?

Harlequin Forest

There are many things I like about this song and things that struck me about it from first hearing it. Oh, and before I start: although the video that you're going to see is labelled on YouTube as "Reverie/Harlequin Forest", this is only "Harlequin Forest" unless I'm mistaken... Anyway...

The very beginning of the song, judging by the lyrics, conveys the character in the concept running into the forest. I love the fact that the music, if you stop, listen, and visualize it, almost shows the character stopping, looking over his shoulder and then taking off "into the trees". That guitar riff starts it all off and then that drum fill and driving beat start the running in my mind every time I hear it. :)

The lyrics and melody at 2:19 ("A trail of sickness leading to me. If I am haunted, then you will see.") have stuck in my mind from the very first time I heard them. Very cool.

The part at 7:23 has also frequently popped into my head during the days I've been listening to this one. You've got those nice heavy guitars underneath and Mikael's spooky clean vocals weaving overtop of it (starting with "It's all false pretension..."). Love that part...

Also, although the outro gets a bit "mathy" and seems to be an odd meter, I believe it remains in a 4/4 time signature. Whatever it does, it's cool, too. You can hear it at 10:00 into the song.

"Harlequin Forest" was my favorite of the heavier tunes on the record. Let's hear a song that's more mellow now in "Hours of Wealth".

Hours of Wealth

You really just need to listen to the whole of this song right now. It's one of the most beautiful things I've heard in quite some time. This one just moved my soul from the very first time I heard it and if I'm alone and really concentrating on it, somewhere in the part between 2:23 and the end of the song, a tear will inadvertently slip from my eye. Simply a gorgeous song.

Well, guys... There's a few words about "Ghost Reveries". I've got a lot more I wanna do tonight, but I may give the next Opeth album "Watershed" a spin and come back and post the music videos made from it and stuff later. If not tonight, it should be very soon.

Be well and...


Thursday, June 9, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 8

Double posting today since I missed yesterday from being tired from my travels in New Orleans. But, without further ado...

Day 8 - Best series being published right now.

This one's a tough call and one that I don't feel altogether comfortable with commenting on, since I don't read all THAT many titles being published currently. I stick with a couple favorite characters/groups of characters and a few favorite writers. That being said, I've been continually wowed by Robert Kirkman's "The Walking Dead" and Geoff Johns' run on the Green Lantern stuff (especially since "Blackest Night") has impressed me thoroughly.

posted from Bloggeroid

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 7

I'm late by a day, but here's my post for the Challenge, Day 7:

Well, I missed Day 7, so let's start with... Day 7 - Favorite Comic Couple

I think I've got to go with King Mob and Ragged Robin from "The Invisibles". They're passionate about each other, totally in love, erotically insatiable for each other and one of the sexiest couples and most beautifully depicted romances in all of comicdom.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 06

Here's my 30 Day Comic Book Challenge post for today, folks. It was:

Day 06 - Most Annoying Character

I think I'm gonna have to go with Namor, the Sub-Mariner on this one. He's cocky, um, obviously annoying and just throws attitude around whenever he shows up. I'm always hoping the bad guys will beat the stuffing out of him when I see him. And though I don't really mind the character of Deadpool, I think it's annoying that Marvel puts out 30,000 books with him featured each month...

Also, I think I'm gonna have to skip the bloggings of the travels this year. The WiFi connection here in the hotel is pretty sluggish even when it IS working and I really just can't fathom posting really lengthy blog posts from my phone's keyboard.

Those of you who are interested can check out my Twitter and Facebook feeds. Some of you already have them or, if you don't, I believe you can still follow links from this very page for them.

Take care, all. I hope this post finds you well.


posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, June 5, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 5

Here's my quick entry for Day 5 of the 30 Comic Book Challenge:

Day 5 - Comic character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)

I really had trouble pinpointing this one, but I think the answer may be The Drummer from Warren Ellis' Planetary.

I'd like to think I'm pretty tech savvy. Also, I can be pretty weird and irreverent at times. I also have been known to play actual drums. I know The Drummer doesn't in the comics, but the name... You know? :)

I was also gonna start posting about the trip to New Orleans that I'm currently enjoying, but the WiFi connection seems to be down in the hotel tonight. I really don't relish the idea of typing what could be a long blog entry on my phone's keyboard. Maybe tomorrow, loyal Llogsters...

You all take care.


posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 4, New Orleans, and apologies

Hey guys,

First up, let's do the 30 Day Comic Book Challenge. Here's what I posted on Facebook for that.

Day 4: Guilty pleasure comic or character.

I'm really not ashamed of any of the things I'm into as far as comics go, but I might take just a little bit too much pleasure when Dex-Starr shows up. For those who don't know, he's a Red Lantern who's a cat... and I find him highly amusing.

And for those longtime readers of the Llog, you'll remember my posts about London last year when I vacationed there. Well, I've arrived in New Orleans today for this year's vacation and I plan on doing the same thing this year. Apologies, but I'm absolutely exhausted and this short post is all I can muster tonight. I'll get back to you guys tomorrow and tell you all about it.

'Til then,


posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 3

Here's my post for Day 3, guys...

Day 3 - A comic that is underrated.

While I know a couple have books have been done about it and it holds acclaim with a certain contingent of folks, I think Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" is underrated. I personally think it's one of the greatest pieces of fivtion ever created. And for me... it may be THE best.

Have a good day, all.


posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Day 2

Hey guys,

I thought I'd post day 2 of the 30 Day Comic Book Challenge that I was talking about earlier today. Here goes.

Day 2 - Your Favorite Character

Though I've read a LOT of different comics and loved SO many characters, I've been reading X-Men for 20+ years and I'm gonna have to say Wolverine. When I first started seriously getting into the medium, he was the first protagonist I saw utter words, so maybe it's a little bit of a sentimental thing, too. I don't know... With comic book characters, after you read for so long, they begin to feel more like friends instead of just characters in a book. Wolvie feels like he's an ol' drinkin' buddy at this point.

Also, I should mention that the good folks who gave us the outlet for all this chatting and these ideas are Annex Comics from Newport, Rhode Island. You guys can shop with them and visit them at:


Thanks for reading, guys.


30 Day Comic Book Challenge - Intro and Day 1

An acquaintance on Facebook recently sent me an invitation to a sort of "online event". It's called the 30 Day Comic Book Challenge and it's only the second day and I'm hooked.

I thought I'd take this opportunity to make blog posts out of these. So any of you who are already into the medium of comic books, have any interest in it, or care what I have to say about it can tune in here for the next thirty days. Each day gives a comic book related statement and asks the particpant what they associate with it.

Day 1 was: Your first comic book.

I plan on copying and pasting in the future but I can't do that right now.

My association with that statement was, of course, the first comic book I remember buying, which was Uncanny X-Men #261 back in June of 1990.

I also said that I'd had comics before that but they'd become torn to shreds or were Silly Putty fodder. "Look, Mommy! I can stretch Superman's face!"